The relationship between the Government and Enterprises during this period of transformation has always been trou- bled by the vaguely defined boundary between them. Public institutions have too readily granted themselves powers, which leads to the overflow of powers, and furthermore the abuse of powers. This is a very important cause for the distorted relationship be- tween Government and Enterprises. The interests of public organizations themselves are bound with social interests, the former transcending the latter, making it even more difficult to straighten them out. For this reason, it is crucial to clear out unneces- sary administrative powers with uttermost determination, to mark the clear boundary between the Government and the market, and to establish stricter procedure for the establishment of powers and the mechanism of revoking powers, which will he a sig- nificant approach to go from "not daring to corrupt" to "unable to corrupt."
Anti-corruption and Integrity Culture Studies
relationship between the government and enterprises
government powers
abating government powers