
不同纺丝速度下聚醚酯纤维结构与性能的关系 被引量:5

Structure and Properties of Copolyether-Ester Fiber Under Different Spinning Speed
摘要 为了说明聚醚酯纤维的性能和形态结构与纺丝速度之间的关系,对聚醚酯切片设计了不同纺丝速度的熔融纺丝试验。结果发现:当纺丝速度增加为750 m/min时,纤维的断裂强度和回弹性较好。进一步通过同步辐射广角X射线散射、小角X射线散射以及双折射、声速取向试验,分析了聚醚酯纤维不同尺度的形态结构变化,发现在高纺丝速度下,形成了纤维取向度高、结晶度高、长周期小的形态结构。 The copolyether-ester (PBT-PTMG) tibers are prepared unaer aliierent bpl,,n,Jl~ ~p tionship between the fiber performance and spinning speed is investigated in detail. The results showed that when the spinning speed is 750 m/mim, the fibers can get higher tenacity and elastic recovery. While using different length scale characterization, including wide-angle X-ray scattering (WAXS), small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and birefringence test, the structure changes of PBT-PTMG fibers that occurred during different spinning speed are also studied. It is found that the fibers under higher spinning speed have got higher orientation, larger crystallinity and smaller long period, which contributed toward the improvement of performances of the PBT-PTMG fibers.
出处 《合成纤维》 CAS 2016年第4期5-10,共6页 Synthetic Fiber in China
关键词 聚醚酯纤维 形态结构 回弹性 纺丝速度 copolyether-ester fiber structure elastic recovery spinning speed
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