目的探讨原发性胆囊癌肿瘤标记物表达与其病理分期的相关性。方法选取本院2012年1月—2015年2月消化内科和肝胆科收治的48例原发性胆囊癌患者(观察组),均行胆囊切除术治疗,根据手术病理观察结果并参照Nevin病理分期标准进行最终胆囊癌肿瘤分期诊断。患者术前均行相关肿瘤标记物指标检测,参照同期30例正常健康人(对照组)的检测水平,分析原发性胆囊癌患者上述生化标志物的表达特点,并进一步比较不同肿瘤病理分期患者的肿瘤标记物表达差异,肿瘤标志物与原发性胆囊癌临床病理分期的相关性。计量资料比较采用t检验,计数资料比较采用χ^2检验,P〈0.05为差异有统计学意义。结果两组患者CEA、CA199、CA125[(10.22±4.42)μg/L、(135.28±67.32)、(58.65±15.26)U/ml与(4.04±1.95)μg/L、(16.72±11.34)、(21.81±6.88)U/ml]比较,差异均有统计学意义(均P〈0.05)。不同分期患者Dc R3、CEA、CA199、CA125[(4.12±1.04)分、(8.94±3.61)μg/L、(64.42±27.51)、(39.67±5.84)U/ml与(6.35±1.35)分、(11.52±4.52)μg/L、(155.80±59.42)、(67.72±13.90)U/ml]比较,差异均有统计学意义(均P〈0.05)。结论临床诊疗中可参考相关肿瘤标记物表达检测结果进行病情监控和肿瘤病理分期,对指导治疗和预后观察等具有重要意义。
Objective To explore the correlation between the expression of tumor markers and pathological stage in primary gallbladder carcinomas.Methods 48 patients with primary gallbladder carcinomas who were treated in department of gastroenterology and hepatology of our hospital between January 2012 and February 2015 were included in observation group.All patients were treated with cholecystectomy.According to the results of operation and pathological observation and referring to Nevin pathological staging criteria,the final diagnosis of tumor stage of gallbladder carcinomas was performed.Before operation,the related tumor markers in patients were detected.Referring to the detection levels in 30 normal healthy people(the control group) in the same period,the expression features of biochemical markers mentioned above in patients with primary gallbladder carcinoma were analyzed.The differences in expression of tumor markers in patients of different tumor stages were further compared and the the correlation between tumor markers and clinical pathological stage of primary gallbladder carcinomas was deeply explored.Measurement data was processed by t test,count data was used by chi square test,P0.05 was considered statistically significant.Results CEA,CA199 and CA125 in the observation group were significant higher than those in the control group [(10.22±4.42)μg/L,(135.28±67.32),(58.65±15.26)U/ml and(4.04±1.95)μg/L,(16.72±11.34),(21.81±6.88)U/ml](all P0.05).Dc R3,CEA,CA199 and CA125 in the observation group were significant higher than those in the control group [(4.12±1.04)score,(8.94±3.61)μg/L,(64.42±27.51),(39.67±5.84)U/ml and(6.35±1.35)score,(11.52±4.52)μg/L,(155.80±59.42),(67.72±13.90)U/ml](all P0.05).Conclusion The detected results of expression of related tumor marker can be referred to perform pathogenetic condition monitoring and tumor pathological stage.It is of important significance in guiding treatment and observation of prognosis.
Journal Of Community Medicine
Primary gallbladder carcinoma
Tumor marker
Pathological stage