在前文中我们已介绍了关于过去细辛研究工作的概况,以及目前开展细辛研究工作的意义。此外,长泽元夫对华细辛还做过动态分析,他认为其中主成分随季节变化而不同,有时为甲基丁香酚,有时则为黄樟醚。 首先,我们由华细辛全草中提出挥发油,并摸索了适合其成分分离的气相层析条件,然后进行了气相色谱、质谱联用的分析与鉴定,有的成分用气相色谱仪分离出少量单体,分别测定其红外、紫外与核磁共振光谱。鉴定结果如表所示。
The volatile oil separated by steam distillation from the dried herb of Asarum sieboldii Miq. known cmmercially as Hua xixin was analyzed and the constituents identified by GC-MS, some of the constituents were isolated by means of GC and further confirmed by IR, UV and NMR. As a result, seven of the constituents were identified. The oil consists mainly of safrole, the other components in the order of relative abundance are 1,8-cineole, asaricin, methyleugenol, croweacin, β-pinene and α-pinene.The presence of asaricn in this plant has not been reported previously, while α-pinene and β-pinene were reported as α- or β-pinene.
Journal of Peking University:Health Sciences