应用静脉注射大剂量维生素C(V_c)抢救急型克山病已有显著疗效,但其机制迄今尚无定论。为探索V_c对心肌坏死的作用,参照H.Selye及Ers Bajusz等制做心肌坏死模型的方法,选择适当制剂和剂量,复制出不併发休克的实验性心肌坏死模型,以大剂量V_c预防给药,观察实验性心肌坏死病变程度及修复情况。
The experimental myocardial necroses was produced in rabbits and rats. The occurrence rate of necroses was over 70% in both species. The necroses were dispersed in the form of small foci of myocardiolysis without inflammatory reaction, and almost no natural repairment was found at execution.Before and daring the course of necroses production, vitamin C was administrated orally 0.4g/kg/day and 0.6g/kg/day for more than 18 days in rabbits and 0.25g/day for 14 days in rats.13.3% severe necrosis in vitamin C preventing group of 30 rabbits contrasts sharply with 46.9% in the controlled group of 32 rabbits, and 3.5% in vit. C preventing group of 57 rats VS. 20% in the control of 50 rats. In both species, the preventive effect of vit. C is statistically significant.
Journal of Peking University:Health Sciences