Reggio Emilia approach to early childhood education has been studied more than 30 years. Following the influx of new families, tighter financial situation in local government and generational turnover of educators, there are many new changes on teacher's role and practice in recent years. Today, as children researchers, teachers' research is not only an attitude and approach in everyday living in and outside kindergartens, but also a questioning attitude and inquiry process. Besides, as colleagues within a network and organization, teachers, with mutual collaboration, and observing and documenting child's behaviors together, share experience on promoting child learning. For this purpose they establish a "diffuse pedagogical system" to make interactions and innovations, and to exchange knowledge and experience among schools. Furthermore, as curriculum designers and executors, teachers help children find meaning in what they do, what they encounter, and what they experience by applying "flexible planning" project approach and "pedagogy of listening" to listen ironer voices of children. Moreover, as creators of the environment, teachers strongly believe that enviromnent as a third teacher can guide children to pay attention to nature, animals and plants, and emotional and physical nourishment of human beings. Additionally, as guiders in fostering exchange and community, teachers endeavor to make educational institution more inclusive of all chil- drenl Last but not least, as partners with families, teachers focus more on parent participation, support and collaboration, such as hiring cultural mediators to instruct the participation of special children families (e.g. immigrant families)
Early Childhood Education(Educational Sciences)
teacher research
role transition
teacher practice