
国外强制性开放科学数据政策调研与分析 被引量:21

The Study of Mandatory Open Scientific Data Policies and Implementation Suggestions
摘要 [目的 /意义]为推动我国开放科学数据政策的制定、实施提出建议。[方法 /过程]通过查阅文献与登录网站调查国内外44个机构实施强制性开放科学数据政策的现状,从数据存储方式、数据权利、数据开放时滞、出版方式4个方面分析政策内容,总结政策特点,对国内强制性开放科学数据政策的实施提出建议。[结果/结论]强制性开放科学数据政策呈现制定机构类型多样、高校占主导地位、政策内容重点突出完备程度不足、数据权利政策制定呈现两极分化、利益协调政策缺失等特点。从政策的分层次制定保障一致性与灵活性、开放数据政策与数据安全政策的协同、利用数据所有权政策推动科学数据的公开、数据存储机构加强科学数据管理、数据服务机构从增值服务角度制定利益平衡政策几个角度提出实施建议。 [ Purpose/significance] This paper aims to promote the development of open scientific data in our coun- try, and put forward some suggestions for the implementation of relevant policies. [ Method/process] We investigated the present situation of 44 institutions that implemented mandatory open scientific data policies at home and abroad, analyzed the policy contents from four aspects : data storage, data rights, data publishing and open delay. Then, we summarized the characteristics, put forward proposals for the effective implementation of mandatory open scientific data. [ Result/conclu- sion ] The mandatory open scientific data indicate the diversity of policy-making institutions dominated by universities, the imperfection of the policy with emphasis, the polarization of making data rights policies, and the lack of regulation of in- terest coordination. The implementation recommendations are proposed to ensure the consistency and flexibility through the hierarchical development of policies, facilitate the disclosure of scientific data by implementing the data ownership rights policy, improve the management of scientific data with the data storage institutions, and develop the interest balancing pol- icy by data service organizations from the perspective of value-added services.
作者 宋戈 胡文静
机构地区 兰州大学图书馆
出处 《图书情报工作》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第9期61-69,共9页 Library and Information Service
基金 甘肃省社会科学规划项目"甘肃省高校图书馆开放资源揭示与服务研究"(项目编号:YB011)研究成果之一
关键词 强制性 开放科学数据 政策 实施对策 mandatory open scientific data policy implementation suggestions
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