
基于书目关联数据的文献版本关系发现研究 被引量:3

Research on Literature Editions Relationship Discovery Based on Bibliographic Linked Data
摘要 [目的 /意义]利用关联数据名称唯一性特点,对书目数据进行语义化关联组织,使不同图书馆资源通过文献版本关系发现实现语义聚集。[方法 /过程]分析书目关系类型及文献不同版本的特点,提出文献不同版本类型对应的版本关系,然后采用属性值顺序匹配方法,经过同种文献确定、版本关系发现两个步骤发现文献之间的版本关系,并利用美国国会图书馆、德国国家图书馆相关数据以及维基关联数据进行实证研究。[结果/结论]构建基于关联数据、书目数据的文献版本关系发现方法,实现同种文献不同版本的语义关联,发现实证数据间的版本关系,并指出其应用方向。通过该方法可以提供基于关联数据的知识检索服务,满足用户阅读、科研需求。 [ Purpose/significance ]Based on the uniqueness feature of linked data, this paper makes bibliographic data realizing semantic correlation. Then through the method of editions relationship discovery, it makes resources from different libraries realizing semantic aggregation. [ Method/process] This paper analyzes the types of bibliographic rela- tionships and characteristics of different literature editions, then points out the corresponding relationships of different edi- tions. Then with the main method of matching attribute values by order, it takes two steps which the first is to find out the same literature and the second is to discover the relationships between different editions of the same literature. Finally, it conducts a empirical study by the data of Library of Congress, German National Library and Wikipedia.[ Result/conclu- sion] The paper develops a method of discovering relationships of different editions of the same literature based on linked data and bibliographic data, and realizes semantic correlation of different editions. It finds out the edition relationships of empirical data and points out its application direction. Through the method, libraries can provide knowledge retrieval serv- ice based on the linked data, which can meet the needs of users' reading and research.
出处 《图书情报工作》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第9期123-130,共8页 Library and Information Service
基金 国家自然科学基金项目"基于海量数字资源的科研关系网络构建研究"(项目编号:71273251)研究成果之一
关键词 书目数据 关联数据 版本关系 书目关系 bibliographic data linked data edition relationship bibliographic relationship
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