

Review on Research Achievements of the Lamp for the Eye in Contemplation
摘要 努氏·佛智所撰《禅定目炬》,无疑是上世纪发现的,最为重要的古藏文文献之一。距今一千年之久,形成于藏族史学编纂史中的"黑暗时期(9世纪中叶至10世纪末)"。从文献学的角度而言,"黑暗时期"是最为模糊、空白的时期。因为,作为前后弘期衔接的这段时期,由于社会动荡等原因,我们目前所能掌握的资料已经所剩无几。然而,我们可将《禅定目炬》作为窗口,去构建和设想这个时期。从文本本身而言,它独特的宗义分类方式、将大圆满法首次置入于"乘(■)"的地位等特征,显然具有重要的研究价值。正是由于这些原因,国内外藏学家自文本文书问世,就对其表现出强烈的兴趣,相关研究成果亦不少。对国内外藏学界,围绕这部文献的相关重要研究进行适当的介绍,有助于国内外藏学研究者进一步了解这部古文献。 The Lamp for the Eye in Contemplation by Gnubs chen sangs rgyas ye shes is no doubt one of the most important Tibetan manuscripts discovered in the last Century. This Manuscript is beyond one thousand years,since it is from so called "Dark Age( roughly from the mid ninth century to the end of the tenth century) "of Tibetan historiography. From the Philological perspective,for the later generations the period of "Dark Age" is one of the blank spots and obscuring days. As intermediate Period between the former and later dispensation of Buddhism in Tibet,we had very few textual resources from this period due to a series of social chaos. However,we can imagine and establish what happening through this manuscript as a window. From the textual structure itself,we found its unique Doxography,initiatively put The Great Perfection into a ‘Vehicle' status and so on. Therefor,it is worth to study this manuscript. Due to those reasons,Scholars both from domestic and international have given their strong interests on it when it first comes into light. This article tries to introduce those important reassert achievementsas well as my comments on them.
作者 落桑东知
出处 《西藏研究》 北大核心 2016年第2期63-70,共8页 Tibetan Studies
基金 2015-2016年中央民族大学"中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助"项目"宁玛派大圆满法早期传统:基于<禅定目炬.第七品>之研究"(项目编号:10301-01500202)阶段成果
关键词 西方学者 《禅定目炬》 努氏·佛智 Western Scholars The Lamp for the Eye in Contemplation Gnubs chen sangs rgyas ye shes
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