
3D打印种植体在口腔修复中的应用研究 被引量:2

Research on Application of 3D Print Implants in Mouth Rehabilitation
摘要 3D打印技术特别适合生物医学工程中快速制造和个性化定制多曲面、结构精细的复杂产品(如骨骼)。3D打印的种植体弹性模量更接近密质骨,理化机械性能、生物相容性能满足"即刻种植"的要求。3D打印形成最适合骨沉积的1-10μm空隙,可以有效促进骨整合,促进成骨细胞的分化、骨基质的合成。拔牙后即刻植入种植体,减少诊疗时间及手术伤害。进行手术模拟,打印口腔骨骼环境进行模拟手术,提高手术成功率,培养青年医生技术。3D打印技术正在对口腔科牙模,种植体,口腔科医师技能,口腔科材料供应链等现有的医疗生态系统产生颠覆性革新;可以有效降低种植体的成本和口腔修复技术的操作难度,重构一套新的口腔领域"生态系统"。 3D printing technique is especially suitable for rapid manufacturing and customization in biomedical engineering with multi surface, fine structure of complex products (such as bone). Implant elastic modulus by 3D print production closer to the compact bone, physicochemical and mechanical property, biocompatibility to meet the "immediate implant" requirements. 3D print made the gap that the most suitable form of bone deposition of 1-10μm, can effectively promote bone integration, promote the synthesis of osteoblasts and bone matrix. Immediate implants after extraction mostly reduce treatment time and surgical injury. Surgery simulation, simulate the surgery print oral bone environment, improve the success rate of operation, the training of young doctor technology. 3D printing technology is implant on the Department of Stomatology, Department of Stomatology physician models, skills, medical ecology system of the existing department of stomatology material supply chain in the disruptive innovation. 3D printing technology can effectively reduce the cost of implant operation, and make prosthodontics implant operation more easy. We can reconstruction of a new set of ecological system in department of stomatology by 3D printing technology.
出处 《中国数字医学》 2016年第6期6-8,共3页 China Digital Medicine
基金 新疆医科大学科研创新基金(编号:XYDCX201413 XJC2013225)~~
关键词 3D打印 口腔修复 种植 3D print mouth rehabilitation implant
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