目的从文献角度了解1970年1月1日—2015年10月28日有关麻醉觉醒研究的现状。方法以Web of Science数据库核心数据集为数据源,应用文献计量学方法并借助信息分析软件Thomson数据分析工具(Thomson data analyzer,TDA)对1970年1月1日—2015年10月28日麻醉觉醒研究的年度发展趋势、学科领域分布、国家/地区分布、期刊分布、机构分布状况以及研究主题进行分析。结果 1970年1月1日—2015年10月28日科学引文索引收录有关麻醉觉醒文献747篇,近10年来收录的文献呈快速增长趋势;美国以第一/通讯作者身份的发文数量及被引频次均位居前列,显示了其在该领域的绝对核心地位。中国发文量虽然位居第9位,但成果影响力亟待提升;刊文量≥10篇的期刊共有15种,其中British Journal of Anaesthesia、Anesthesia and Analgesia和Anaesthesia刊文量居前3位;发文量排在前10的研究机构以高校和大型综合医院为主,且以美国和英国的研究机构居多。结论麻醉觉醒研究发展迅速,每年的相关成果数量虽然不多,但受关注度逐年增高,且涉及的学科范围较广,基础和临床类研究并重,其中麻醉药物的觉醒临界浓度、麻醉药物-觉醒的调控以及脑电双频指数用于麻醉觉醒状态的监测等为重点研究内容。
Objective To investigate the research status of anesthesia awakening since year 1970 from the literature point of view. Methods Using data from Web of Science Core Collection as the source, the annual trend, subject category distribution, country/region distribution, core jour-nals distribution, core institutions distribution and key research topics of the anesthesia awakening research from January 1,1970-October 28, 2015 were analyzed by applying literature metrology methods with the aid of Thomson data analyzer data analysis software. Results A total of 747 pa-pers were indexed by Web of Science Core Collection since 1970, and the numbers grew rapidly in recent decade. The number of papers published by authors as first and corresponding authors belong to America and its total citations were both in the forefront, which indicated its absolute core status in this field. Although China ranked the ninth in terms of quantity of paper published, the influen-cing power was still to be raised. The number of journals which published ten or more papers was fif-teen, among them British Journal of Anaesthesia, Anesthesia and Analgesia, and Anaesthesia ranked the top three. The top ten research institutions according to the number of published papers were mainly universities and large general hospitals, while most of them were American and Britain organi-zations. Conclusion Though there are not much relative achievements every year, anesthesia awa-kening research develops rapidly and attracts more and more attention year after year with a wide range of subjects touched, basic and clinical researches are equally important, among them, the re-search focuses are on the awakening critical concentration of different anesthetics, regulation of anes-thetics-awakening, monitoring of anesthesia awakening with bispectral indexes and so on.
Translational Medicine Journal