
高校资助工作中的大学生行为、意识培养研究 被引量:1

Research on the Behavior and Consciousness Cultivation of College Students in University Funding Work
摘要 在高校资助工作中,大学生感恩意识、行为缺失的情况屡屡发生,而究其原因,大学生对自我概念的片面认识和社会支持领悟较弱、社会和校园的普遍竞争教育等都是不可忽视的。为了顺利完成资助工作和帮助大学生形成健全人格,高校资助工作者应将大学生的感恩意识、行为培养贯穿于工作中,并从资助评定规则的制订、高校学生感恩认知的教育、行为实现的引导等多角度着手实施。 The lack of gratitude consciousness or behavior happens a lot in university fundingwork, and the reasons which cannot be ignored include students' one-side understanding on self-concept, weak grasp of social support, and the general competition education inboth campus and society. In order to accomplish the funding work successfully and help students to form a sound personality, the university funding workers should pay attention to students' gratitudesense and behavior training throughout the work, and carry out the work from various aspects, including the formulation of funding evaluation rules, the education of college students' gratitude sense, and the guidance of behavior realization.
作者 谢海霞
机构地区 郑州大学
出处 《创新科技》 2016年第2期51-53,共3页 Innovation science and technology
关键词 高校资助工作 大学生感恩行为、意识培养 研究 university funding work the behavior and consciousness cultivation of college students research
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