
钛酸丁酯溶胶-凝胶法交联改性聚乙烯醇纳米纤维膜的研究 被引量:2

Crosslink modification of poly(vinyl alcohol)nanofiber membrane by tetra-n-butyl titanate through sol-gel method
摘要 采用静电纺丝技术制备聚乙烯醇纳米纤维膜,结合溶胶-凝胶法制备二氧化钛对纳米纤维膜进行交联改性。分析交联前后材料表面形貌、表面化学基团变化以及耐水性和热性能。研究纳米纤维膜对模型污染物罗丹明B的吸附和光催化降解性能。结果表明:交联改性后材料耐水性显著提高,纤维形貌保持不变,材料表面化学基团无显著变化,材料热分解温度提高。交联改性后的纳米纤维膜材料容易吸附罗丹明B,紫外光照射下材料具有一定的光催化降解性能。 Poly(vinyl alcohol)nanofiber membrane was prepared through electrospinning and was crosslinked by tetra-n-butyl titanate through sol-gel method.Surface morphology,difference of surface chemical group,water resistance as well as thermal behavior of membrane before and after crosslinking were investigated.Absorption and photocatalytic degradation properties of crosslinked nanofiber membrane using Rhodamine B as the model pollutant were also investigated.The results indicated that water resistance and decomposition temperature of nanofiber were improved after crosslinking modification.Little difference of surface chemical group and morphology of fiber could be observed after crosslinking modification.The crosslinked nanofiber membrane could absorb Rhodamine B and had photocatalytic degradation properties with UV irradiation.
出处 《化工新型材料》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第5期185-187,共3页 New Chemical Materials
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(51463009) 江西省科技支撑计划项目(20142BBE50007) 江西省科学院产学研项目(2014-CXY-05)
关键词 钛酸丁酯 溶胶-凝胶法 聚乙烯醇 纳米纤维 交联 tetra-n-butyl titanate sol-gel method poly(vinyl alcohol) nanofiber crosslink
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