通过对一种新型直流容积式太阳能集热器的闭式水力实验研究,分析了管道流量、U型连通管直径、U型连通管长度、U型连通管端口形状对直流容积式太阳能集热器阻力损失的影响。结果表明:当流量由0.95 m^3/h增加到1.45 m^3/h时,集热器阻力损失增大39.6%,当U型连通管的直径在6~25 mm范围内变化时,集热器的阻力损失降低了24.5%,U型连通管伸入承压内胆的长度与集热器阻力损失之间呈线性关系,将U型连通管形状由平端口改为斜端口,集热器阻力损失减少了3~4 k Pa左右。
This paper analyses the influence of solar collector pressure loss caused by rate of flow,diameter of U tube,length of U tube and port shape of U tube. It shows that when the rate of flow is between 0.95 m-3/h and 1.45 m-3/h,the pressure loss increase by 39.6%. When the diameter of U tube is between 6 mm and 25 mm,the pressure loss decrease by24.5%. The length of U tube is proportional to pressure loss. If the port shape of U tube is changed to oblique port,the pressure loss of solar collector can decrease about 3-4 kPa.
Building Energy & Environment