“质疑”是哲学教学过程中一个极其关键的环节。哲学教学不能绕开“疑问” ,而应通过揭示理论自身的困惑、展现理论观点之间的冲突、暴露理论与现实之间的矛盾 ,体现哲学学科特性 ,培育学生批判创新的哲学素养。
Query is a crucial link in philosophy teaching. Philosophy teaching can't avoid query, but rather it should fully reflect philosophy features by uncovering the perplexing theorys, disclosing the conflicts among theoretical views, exposing the contradictory between theory and practice,and other query forms. On the whole, the aim of philosophical query teaching is to foster the students' critical and initiative philosophical attainments.
Guangxi Higher Education Research