
高级滑雪两项运动员综合训练程度的信息资料库的研制 被引量:1

The Constuction of Integrated Fitness Control Database of Highly-Skilled Nordic Combined Skiers
摘要 研究目的是研制高级滑雪两项运动员综合训练程度计算机资料信息库。该高级滑雪两项运动员综合训练程度资料信息库能够:1)整体性分析运动员训练程度所有日常个体指标;2)分析滑雪两项运动员的技术、身体、机能和比赛训练程度的实际指标与综合性的和个体的模式评定之间的相符合程度(与模式之间偏差的百分比形式);3)比较训练程度的各个方面,并从中区分出在不同训练阶段中弱和强的方面;4)修正滑雪两项运动员的训练计划或在必要情况下重新制订训练计划;5)保障在下一训练阶段中采取最终的管理性决定。 The objective of the study was to develop information an application computer database to control performance and fitness of highly-skilled Nordic Combined skiers.The study provides a basis for development of the integrated fitness control data in application to the highly-skilled Nordic Combined skiers that gives the means to:1)Perform integrated analysis of the current individual performance/fitness levels of the athletes;2)Make benchmarking analysis to find deficiencies and inconsistencies in the actual technical/physical/functional/competitive performance/fitness criteria versus the individual target model specifications,with the deviation rates being expressed in percentage terms;3)Make comparisons of the different performance/fitness aspects to highlight the deficient/top priority ones in different stages of the training process;4)Adjust the Nordic Combined skiers' current training system or develop a new one if necessary;5)Provide a basis for prudential management decisions for the next stage of the training process.
出处 《首都体育学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第3期193-194,204,共3页 Journal of Capital University of Physical Education and Sports
关键词 滑雪两项运动员 滑雪两项运动员的综合训练程度 信息资料库 Nordic combined skiers overall fitness of Nordic combined skiers information database
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