随着我国重载运输的持续发展,列车编组增加,车辆轴重增大,运营密度增大,现役桥梁出现横向振动过大危及行车安全的现象。本文以朔黄铁路中比重较大的32 m预应力混凝土简支T梁+双线分离式桥墩+扩大基础的结构形式为研究对象,采用有限元分析结合现场实测的方法,对增加T梁横向联接刚度和桥墩横向刚度的加固效果进行了研究。结果表明:仅增加T梁横向连接刚度,使桥跨结构横向振动得到抑制,仅增加桥墩横向刚度,使桥跨和桥墩横向振动均得到有效抑制,且对桥跨横向振动抑制效果优于增加T梁横向连接刚度,采取同时增加T梁横向连接刚度和桥墩横向刚度的方法对桥跨横向振动抑制效果最优,对桥墩横向振动抑制效果略优于仅增加桥墩横向刚度。
With the sustainable development of overload transportation in our country,the increases of train formation,the increases of vehicle axle load,the increases of operating density,bridges present-ly in service are subject to excessive transverse vibration,which will endanger the safety of train operation.Taking the 32 m prestressed concrete T-beams plus double separated bridge pier and enlarged foundation,which is a main structure form in Shuohuang-railroad,as the research object,with the method of finite element simulation analysis and field measurement,this article studies the reinforcement effect of T-beam cross connection and pier transverse rigidity.The results show that,only increasing the stiffness of transverse connection of T beams reduces the transverse vibration of the span structure,while only reinforcing the transverse stiffness of bridge pier has a significant effect on controlling the lateral vibration of both bridge span and bridge piers,and the effect of this measure on the lateral vibration of bridge span is better than the measure to increase the lateral connection stiffness of T-beam.Compared with the previous measures,increasing T-beam transverse connection and the transverse stiffness reinforcement of bridge pier in the meantime makes the effect best,with a better effect on transverse vibration of the pier than only increasing the transverse stiffness of the pier.
Journal of Shijiazhuang Tiedao University(Natural Science Edition)
heavy railway
lateral amplitude
bridge reinforcement method
operation performance experiment