
由回差阵奇异值求稳定裕度的退化算法 被引量:1

Degraded algorithm for determining stability margin by using singular value of the return difference matrix
摘要 本文研宄使用回差阵奇异值求多输入多输出(MIMO)线性定常系统稳定裕度的方法.首先对此方法进行退化分析,得到求解单输入单输出(SISO)线性定常系统稳定裕度的算法步骤.在此基础上,讨论退化所得算法与传统稳定裕度的关系;进一步地,详细分析此退化算法相比传统稳定裕度的优势,进而指出当系统的增益和相位同时变化时,系统Nyquist曲线g(jω)到临界点(-1,j0)的最短距离min|1+g(jω)|可作为一种更加合理的稳定裕度指标.最后,通过对实例进行数值仿真,说明本文所提退化算法可以克服传统稳定裕度局限性,同时与传统稳定裕度结合得到比较完整的SISO线性系统稳定裕度衡量体系. We investigate the algorithm for determining the stability margins for multi-input multi-output(MIMO)linear time-invariant systems by using singular values of the return difference matrix.First,we consider the degraded algorithm to develop the procedures for determining stability margins for single-input single-output(SISO) linear timeinvariant systems.On this basis,we investigate the relationship between the results obtained from the degraded algorithm and the traditional stability margins.Next,we analyze in detail the advantages of the degraded algorithm over the traditional methods in determining the stability margins and point out that,when the gain and phase are varying simultaneously,the shortest distance min|1 + g(jω)| between the Nyquist plot g(jω) and the critical point(—1,j0) can be considered as a more appropriate stability margin index.Finally,the numerical simulation results of practical examples demonstrate that the proposed algorithm is able to overcome the limitations of the traditional methods.Meanwhile,a more perfect stability margin measurement system can be obtained by incorporating the proposed degraded stability margins with the classical stability margin.
出处 《控制理论与应用》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第4期460-465,共6页 Control Theory & Applications
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(41274041)资助~~
关键词 回差阵奇异值法 稳定裕度 奈奎斯特曲线 鲁棒性 singular value of the return difference matrix stability margin Nyquist plot robustness
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