
河南省油菜遗传育种研究进展与主要成效 被引量:8

Progress and Major Achievements of Rapeseed Genetic Breeding in Henan Province
摘要 河南省是全国油菜主产省之一,油菜遗传育种成效显著,全省平均产量居全国先进水平。综述了河南省油菜遗传育种、杂种优势利用等的研究进展及其主要成效,以期为今后的油菜遗传育种工作提供参考。针对近年来油菜产业发展中存在的生产成本偏高、专用型品种缺乏、保健型油脂需求旺盛等问题,及时调整了育种目标,在高产、优质、抗病的基础上,又开辟了高油、高油酸、适应机械化、耐迟播等新的研究方向;在育种技术上加强了游离小孢子培养技术、分子标记辅助选择技术的研究,并建立了相应的高效技术体系;加强了优异种质资源创新研究,创制和建立了稳定的高油、高油酸、低亚麻酸、抗寒、抗旱、抗裂荚、花色变异等各具特色的育种群体和新的种质资源;育成了一批强优势双低(即低芥酸、低硫苷)油菜杂交种和高油双低新品种,其在产量、品质和抗逆性等方面均有显著提高,为油菜新品种的更新换代和增产增收提供了强有力的技术支撑;2003—2014年,河南省油菜平均产量高于全国平均水平21.84%。最后提出了今后河南省油菜育种的目标,即选育在品质、产量、抗逆性、生产效率(肥料利用率高、适合机械化)和生态安全(少用农药)等方面都得到改善和提高的油菜品种。 Henan is one of the major production provinces of rapeseed in China. Rapeseed genetic breeding in Henan gains significant achievements,and the average yield of rapeseed reaches the advanced level in China. This paper summarizes the scientific research progress and the major achievements on genetic breeding,heterosis utilization of rapeseed in Henan province,to provide technical guidance for rapeseed genetic breeding in the future work. Facing to the problems of lack of special varieties,high demand for health-type oil,and high production cost in rapeseed production in recent years,the breeding goals have been adjusted to high oil,high oleic acid,adaption to mechanization and late planting etc.,based on high yield,high quality,and disease resistance. The breeding technology research mainly focuses on the isolated microspore culture technology and molecular marker assisted selection technology,and the high efficiency technical systems have been constructed. The innovative research on excellent germplasm resources is strengthened,and breeding populations with diverse specialties such as high oil content,high oleic acid content,low linolenic acid content,cold resistance,drought resistance,pod shatter resistance and flower color variations are created as well as distinctive germplasm resources. A series of rapeseed hybrids with strong heterosis and double low characters( low erucic acid,low glucosinolate),and new varieties with high oil and double low characters are released,and these hybrids significantly improve seed yield,quality and resistance. The average yield of Henan province was 21. 84% higher than the national average yield in 2003—2014. All of the achievements provide strong technical support for upgrading of rapeseed varieties and increasing both production and income. The future research interests and prospects are also put forward in this paper. The breeding goal of rapeseed in Henan province is to breed rape varieties of which quality,yield,resistance,production efficiency( high utilization rate of fertilizer,suitable for mechanization) and ecological safety( less use of pesticides) etc. are all improved and enhanced.
出处 《河南农业科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第6期34-39,共6页 Journal of Henan Agricultural Sciences
基金 河南省重大科技专项(151100111200) 国家自然科学基金面上项目(31271763) 国家现代农业产业技术体系建设专项资金项目(CARS-13) 河南省科技创新人才计划项目(134200510027)
关键词 油菜 遗传 育种 杂种优势 双低 种质创新 rapeseed genetics breeding heterosis double low germplasm innovation
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