目的:探讨太极拳运动对社区轻度认知障碍老年人记忆力和执行功能的影响.方法:采用类实验性研究设计,以北京市某两个社区作为研究现场,便利选取6 5 岁-85岁的轻度认知障碍老年人1 0 8例,随机分为对照组(5 4 例)和干预组(5 4 例),均向两组研究对象进行轻度认知障碍预防相关知识讲解和发放健康手册,对照组研究对象接受健康教育和维持日常运动,干预组同时进行每周至少4 次、每次至少40 m i n 、共3 个月的太极拳训练;采用听觉词语学习测试(A V L T )和连线试验- A (T M T - A )评估两组研究对象干预前后记忆力和执行功能的变化.结果:干预前干预组和对照组研究对象A V L T 长延时回忆和T M T - A 得分比较无显著差异(P 〉 0 .05);干预后结果显示,干预组研究对象A V L T 长延时回忆和T M T - A 得分显著提高于对照组(P 〈0. 01 ) .结论:太极拳运动可以改善轻度认知障碍老年人记忆力和执行功能.
Objective: To explore the efficacy of tai chi on the elders with mild cognitive impairment.Methods: The samples were composed of 108 elderly people with mild cognitive impairment from two communities. They were randomly divided into control group( 54 cases) and intervention group( 54cases). Participants in the control group received health education and maintained daily life. In addition,the excise of tai chi were conducted on intervention group for 3 months regularly. The Auditory Verbal Learning Test( AVLT) and the Trail Making Test- A( TMT- A) was assessed at baseline and the end of intervention. Results: After the intervention,improvements were observed in the score of long delayed recall of the Auditory Verbal Learning Test and the Trail Making Test- A in the intervention group than those in the control group( P < 0. 01). Conclusions: Tai Chi can effectively improve the cognitive function of the elderly with mild cognitive impairment,especially memory and executive function.
Journal of Shandong Sport University
Tai Chi
mild cognitive impairment
executive function