针对某220 kV主变压器异常发热情况,进行了红外热像图谱测试、油色谱分析、吊罩检查等深入排查缺陷,开展技术分析,对该变压器关键参数与相关变压器国家标准进行了对照研究,发现该变压器负载损耗、空载损耗均超过国家标准,分析出了该变压器发热异常的根本原因。提出了严格变压器工艺监造的措施,增加变压器出厂温升试验的建议,杜绝不合格变压器进入输变电网。
In view of abnormal heating of a 220 kV main transformer, defects inspections and technical analysis are carried out through infrared thermogram test, oil chromatographic analysis and hanging hood detection. The key parameters of the transformer are contrasted with that of the national standard and it is found that both no-load loss and load loss exceeded the national standard, which is the main reason for transformer abnormal heating. Measures are proposed for supervising transformer manufacture strictly so as to eliminate substandard transformers in power grid.
Shanxi Electric Power