在间氨基苯酚生产中将间苯二酚在酸性环境下萃取出来是制备间氨基苯酚的重要一步。用平衡法实验测定了40℃、101.325 KPa下乙酸乙酯—间苯二酚—酸性盐水的拟三元液液相平衡数据,结果表明间苯二酚的存在增加了乙酸乙酯和水的相互溶解度;盐含量的增加降低了水的溶剂化能力,有利于提高萃取率;焦油的存在则降低了萃取率,在低浓度时尤其明显。并用NRTL模型对实验数据进行了关联,得到了NRTL液液相平衡的模型参数,关联数据与实验数据的平均绝对误差和平均相对误差均在10%以下,可满足工程设计要求。本文测定的液液相平衡数据可为间苯二酚生产过程以及间氨基苯酚的生产过程提供很好的数据支持。
The extraction of resorcinol from acidic environment plays an important role in the production process of m-aminophenol. In this paper, Liquid-Liquid Equilibrium (LLE) data of acetic ether-resorcinol-acid brine quasi ternary system were determined at atmospheric pressure (101.33 kPa) and 313 K with the equilibrium method. The results show that the existence of resorcinol increases the mutual solubility of acetic and water; and the capacity of water's solvation is reduced as the increasing of salt's content, which is beneficial to raise the extraction efficiency of resorcinol, while the existence of tar reduces its extraction efficiency especially at low tar concentration. The experimental data were correlated with NRTL model and parameters were obtained. And the mean absolute error and relative average error of associated data and experimental data are less than 10%, which meet the requirements of engineering design. The Liquid-Liquid phase equilibrium data measured in this paper could provide a good data support for the production process of resorcinol and m-aminophenol.
Computers and Applied Chemistry