
公众史学视野中的遗址博物馆:以重庆抗战遗址博物馆为例 被引量:4

The Examples of Public History Study and Practice in Chongqing:History Sites Museum of the War of Resistance against Japan
摘要 遗址博物馆对于中国目前的公众史学研究与实践具有极为重要的价值。文中以重庆抗战遗址博物馆为例分析公众史学在遗址博物馆的研究基础和途径时,便凸显出其独有的研究优势:从历史遗址环境中易于追寻历史人物的心理,在历史文物中获得更多的史料价值,公众参与更便捷可取,以及独特环境更易梳理口述史料等。遗址博物馆研究与实践公众史学主要通过复原与考证历史场景,辨伪与研究历史文物,推导与衡量历史表述这几个主要途径来实现。 The Historical Sites museum for China's current public history research and practice has an extremely important value.When the author of this article took the Chongqing Historical Sites Museum of the war of the resistance against Japan as example to analyze the basis and way of the publish history research,it is easy to be highhghted the unique advantages.For example,it is easy to follow historical figures from the historical sites,while more historical reference can be found in the historical relics.And it is more convenient for the Public participation in the public research practice,as well as the unique environment is more likely to comb the oral historical materials,etc.The research in Historical Sites museum can be taken into practice through these ways:restoring the history scene,distinguishing false,researching historical relics,and weighing the history indication.
作者 钱锋
机构地区 重庆大学
出处 《青海民族研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第2期7-12,共6页 Qinghai Journal of Ethnology
基金 国家社科基金青年项目<抗战爆发前后中国对日国防地理战略的构想与实践研究>阶段性成果之一 批准号:13CZS028
关键词 重庆抗战遗址博物馆 公众史学 传统史学 口述史料 文物辨伪 Chongqing Historical Sites Museum of the War of the Resistance against Japan Public History Study and Practice Traditional History Study Oral History Materials Distinguishing False of the Relics
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