
美国校长信息化领导力培养项目的发展变革及其启示——以教育信息化领导力前沿研究中心为例 被引量:4

The Development of Principal Technology Leadership Promotion Program in the U.S.A. and Its Enlightenment:A Case Study on the Center for the Advanced Study of Technology Leadership in Education
摘要 作为美国最早致力于学校管理者技术需求的学术研究中心,教育信息化领导力前沿研究中心于2003年创办的校长信息化领导力培养项目,在美国甚至全球都产生了较大影响。以个案分析的形式,分析培养项目的创立背景、设计理念、社会服务、取得的效果和完善措施。认为国家标准是课程设置的基础、混合学习是课程活动的模式、情境教学是课程教学的方法、技术整合是帮助理解的工具。在社会服务方面,项目通过设计与开发学位课程,为其它培养项目提供资源与支持,向中小学校长提供专业发展的资源与建议,与公司、协会以及教育机构开展战略合作,向社会大众解读校长信息化领导力。在发展过程中,项目的培养体系、课程设置、教学形式和理论支持不断调整与完善。这对于我国校长信息化领导力提升的启示包括:根据国家标准和学习者需求设计学位课程;基于情境教学,加深校长对信息技术应用的认识;采用灵活多样的方式提高校长信息化领导力;开展推广应用,向其它学校机构提供课程、资源以及发展建议。 As the first research center that studied the technology needs of school managers, the Center for the Advanced Study of Technology Leadership in Education has greatly influenced the world since the center founded the Principal Technology Leadership Promotion Program in 2003. Case analysis was adopted to analyze program background, design ideas, social services, program effects, and improvement measures. The conclusion includes: national standards are the foundation of curriculum design, blended learning is the model of curriculum activities, contextual learning is the method of instruction, and technology integration is the tool to facilitate understanding. By designing and developing program courses, the program provides resources and support to other training programs, and resources and suggestions to the professional development of school principals. The center collaborates with other corporations, associations, and educational institutions to interpret the meaning of principal technology leadership to the publics. In the development of the program, the center continuously adjusts and perfects the training system, curriculum design, teaching forms, and theoretical foundations. The enlightenment of this program to the training of principals' technology leadership in China includes: designing program curricula according to national standards and learners' needs; utilizing context learning to advance principals' understanding of technology application; using flexible and diverse methods to improve principals' technology leadership; providing curricula, resources, and recommendations to schools and other organizations to popularize the application of technology in schools.
作者 王玥 赵慧臣
出处 《电化教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第6期112-120,128,共10页 E-education Research
基金 2016年度河南省教育厅人文社会科学研究一般项目"信息传播视角下移动学习的影响因素与优化策略研究"(项目编号:2016-zd-035) 2016年度河南省教育科学规划重大招标课题"信息化背景下中小学教学方式的变革研究"(课题编号:〔2016〕-JKGHZDZB-04)
关键词 校长信息化领导力 培养项目 教育信息化领导力前沿研究中心 肯塔基大学 Principal technology- Leadership Promotion Program Center for the Advanced Study of Technology Leadership in Education University of Kentucky
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