
视神经脊髓炎患者NMOIgG抗体阳性与阴性患者临床症状对比及预后分析 被引量:3

Clinical symptoms and prognosis of patients with NMOIgG positive expression and negative expression
摘要 目的:对NMOIgG抗体表达阳性的视神经脊髓炎患者与其表达阴性患者的不同临床症状与其治疗后预后的情况进行分析与探究。方法:收集在我院接受治疗的100例视神经脊髓炎患者,采集患者的血清学标本,并且对其血清标本进行NMOIgG抗体检测,根据检测的结果将其分为抗体阳性组与抗体阴性组,每组患者50例,对比分析两组患者的临床症状以及治疗的效果与预后的情况。结果:抗体阳性组患者的病程(3.8±0.8)年、脑脊液克隆带数(37.1±6.9)个以及脊髓病灶节段数(67.2±10.8)个与抗体阴性组患者的病程(1.9±0.5)年、脑脊液克隆带数(28.3±5.7)个以及脊髓病灶节段数(34.6±9.5)个相比明显较高,结果有统计学意义(P<0.05)。两组患者经治疗后,病程、脑脊液克隆带数以及脊髓病灶节段数等临床症状中,抗体阳性组患者的EDSS评分与抗体阴性组患者的EDSS评分相比明显较高,结果有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:NMOIgG抗体在视神经脊髓炎患者体内表达阳性时,其病程、脑脊液克隆数等临床症状相对较为显著,且其治疗的预后效果较差,可以用于临床上对该疾病病情变化的判断与研究等。 Objective: To analyze and explore the clinical symptoms and the risk factors of the patients with NMOIgG positive expression of the optic nerve in patients with negative expression of the patients with negative expression. Methods: collected in our hospital accepted treatment of 100 cases with optic nerve inflammation of the spinal cord and serum specimens were collected,and low serum samples were NMOIgG antibody detection,according to the detection results will be the antibody positive and antibody negative group,50 cases in each group compared analysis of two groups of patients with clinical symptoms and therapeutic effect and prognosis of the situation. Results: The antibody positive patients in the course of the disease( 67. 2 ±10. 8) years,cerebrospinal fluid( CSF) clones with number( 37. 1±6. 9) and spinal cord lesion stage number( 23. 2 ± 2. 8) and antibody negative patients the duration( 1. 9 ± 0. 5)years,cerebrospinal fluid( CSF) was cloned with the number( 28. 3 ±5. 7) and spinal cord lesion stage number( 34. 6 ±9. 5) was significantly higher. As a result,there was statistical significance( P〈0. 05). The EDSS score in the positive group were significantly higher than those in the negative group,the results were statistically significant( P〈0. 05). Conclusion: Antibody NMOIgG in optic nerve myelitis patients in vivo expression positive and clinical symptoms of the disease course,cerebrospinal fluid clone number relatively significant,therapy and its prognosis is poor can be used clinically to the illness change judgment and research.
出处 《中国免疫学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第5期726-728,733,共4页 Chinese Journal of Immunology
关键词 视神经脊髓炎 NMOIgG抗体 阳性 阴性 临床症状 Optic nerve and spinal cord inflammation NMOIgG antibody Positive Negative Clinical symptoms
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