
2006-2013年四川省报告矽肺发病特征和变化趋势 被引量:9

Analysis on Characteristics and Trends of Silicosis Notified in Sichuan Province,2006-2013
摘要 目的了解2006-2013四川省年累计报告新发矽肺发病情况、发病趋势和特征,为制定四川省矽肺防治政策和进行科学研究提供基础数据。方法使用SPSS18.0统计分析软件对2006-2013年四川省报告矽肺新发病例数据库进行系统性整理并做描述性分析和趋势性检验,包括年度分布、地区分布、行业分布和工种分布以及平均发病工龄、发病年龄的年度变化趋势。结果 2006-2013年,累计报告新发病例13 387例,呈现逐年上升的趋势。巴中市、南充市和达州市累计报告矽肺新发病例数分列前3位。铁路运输设备制造业、建筑业以及煤炭开采和洗选业累计报告矽肺新发病例数分列前3位。累计矽肺新发病例的工种主要为凿岩工、矿山其他工种、主掘进工、纯掘进工和石工。矽肺新发病例的平均发病工龄总体呈缩短趋势,发病工龄中位数为17.00年。矽肺发病年龄的中位数为61.00岁,发病年龄先下降后上升,然后趋于稳定。结论矽肺发病形势依然严峻,呈现行业和工种的明显集中趋势,其发病例数上升趋势明显,发病工龄呈现明显缩短趋势;应根据矽肺的发病特征,加强重点行业、工种的矽肺防治工作;加强粉尘职业危害综合性防治干预,构建矽肺监测预警体系。 Objective To understand the incidence of silicosis reported in Sichuan from 2006 to 2013 and investigate the epidemiological trends and characteristics,and to provide basic data for formulating the guidelines and policies for control of silicosis and research on silicosis. Methods The database of new cases of silicosis reported from 2006 to 2013 was subjected to systematic arrangement, descriptive analysis and trend test using SPSS18. 0. The statistical indices included number of new silicosis cases in each year,regional and industrial distributions of silicosis cases,work types of silicosis cases,and the annual changes in mean length of service and mean age at the onset of silicosis. Results From 2006 to 2013,a total of 13 387 new cases of silicosis were reported,the number of new cases increased year by year. The silicosis cases were distributed mainly in city of Bazhong,Nanchong and Dazhou. Most cases were distributed in railway transport equipment manufacturing,construction,and coal mining and washing industry. The work types of these cases mainly included drilling,other type of work of mine,tunneling as the main work,tunneling and masonry. The mean length of service at the onset of silicosis in new cases was shortened from2006 to 2013,with a median length of service of 17. 00 years. The median age at the onset of silicosis was 61. 00 years,and the mean age of onset in new cases of silicosis decreased initially and then increased,and stayed stable. Conclusion The incidence of silicosis is still high,with a marked concentrated trend in several industries,and work types,a marked rising trend in number of new cases,and a marked shortening trend in length of service at the onset of silicosis. The prevention and control of silicosis should be enhanced in key industries and for people engaging in key types of work according to the epidemiological characteristics of silicosis. In addition,the demonstration project of comprehensive prevention and control of occupational dust hazards should be carried out,and the monitoring and early warning system for silicosis should be established.
出处 《预防医学情报杂志》 CAS 2016年第5期422-426,共5页 Journal of Preventive Medicine Information
基金 四川省科技厅(2013SZ0014)
关键词 矽肺 发病趋势 防治 silicosis epidemic trend prevention and control
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