
论东欧新马克思主义戏剧批评 被引量:6

On Eastern European Neo-Marxist Drama Criticism
摘要 人类学批评、西方马克思主义戏剧批评阐释、戏剧作品的历史性批评是构成东欧新马克思主义戏剧批评的三个核心问题。这些戏剧批评既有以人的此在的价值诉求为基础的戏剧人类学建构,也有对西方马克思主义戏剧批评的反思与批判,更有从历史性角度对戏剧文本的剖析,融合了戏剧性与历史性、政治性与伦理道德性,尤其是对非悲剧的戏剧的关注在国外马克思主义戏剧批评中有独特的意义,其对剧场性的关注既切合戏剧样式的特性与当代性,又更新了传统的戏剧批评。这些批评实践对中国马克思主义戏剧批评无疑是有参考价值的。 This paper discusses the central issues of Eastern European Neo-Marxist drama criticism mainly in three aspects, namely, anthropology, interpretation of Western Marxist drama criticism, and historical remarks of works of drama. Eastern European Neo-Marxists concerns not only about an- thropological construction based on Dasein as a value, but also about reflections and critiques of West- ern Marxist drama criticism, and moreover, about remarks on texts of drama from point of view of historicity, which integrates dramatic nature and historicity, politics, ethics and morals. Particularly, their contribution to non-tragic drama is of unique significance to Marxist drama criticism. Their con- cern for theater penetrates drama as a special genre and modernity, and at the same time renews tradi- tional drama criticism. These ideas, without doubt, are insightful to Chinese Marxist drama criticism.
作者 傅其林
出处 《中国人民大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第3期31-39,共9页 Journal of Renmin University of China
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目"东欧马克思主义美学文献整理与研究"(15ZDB022)
关键词 东欧新马克思主义 西方马克思主义 戏剧批评 Eastern European Neo-Marxism Western Marxism drama criticism
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