
互动视角下供应链企业双方互动关系的实证研究 被引量:2

An Empirical Study of the Inter-firm Relationships between Supply Chain Enterprises under the Interaction Perspective
摘要 供应链企业双方互动关系体现在产品交换、信息交换和社会交换中,信任是影响双方互动关系的重要变量。对我国手机行业进行的实证研究表明,企业间的产品交换、信息交换和社会交换对渠道绩效有积极的正向影响,企业间关系的紧密度在社会交换与渠道绩效关系中发挥中介作用,但在产品交换和信息交换对渠道绩效的影响过程中,信任的中介作用没有得到验证。企业应超越自身利益的范围,从互动双方企业整体的角度配置与整合资源,促使渠道绩效提高。 The inter- firm relationships between supply chain enterprises are demonstrated in products exchange,information exchange and social exchange;and trust is the most important measurement that has impact on this relation. The empirical study on China's Mobil phone industry shows that products exchange,information exchange and social exchange between enterprises has positive effects on channel performance;relationship tightness plays an intermediary role in the relationship between social exchange and channel performance;while the intermediary role of trust in the relation between product exchange and channel performance and the relation between information exchange and channel performance has not been testified. The related enterprises should go beyond their own interests,distribute and integrate resources from the angle of the overall interests of both enterprises that have interactive relation,and promote the improvement of channel performance.
作者 刘林艳 宋华
出处 《中国流通经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第6期83-90,共8页 China Business and Market
基金 国家自然科学基金项目"服务化战略的路径选择与协同价值创造的匹配模式研究:动态权变的视角"(71302174) 国家社会科学基金项目"城市会展产业发展模式的国际比较研究"(13CGL075) 北京市教育委员会科技成果转化提升计划项目"京津冀信息服务业协同发展模式与国际化战略研究" 北京市教育委员会科研计划面上项目"北京市绿色会展经济战略 绩效与对策研究"(PXM2016-014221-000027)
关键词 互动 企业间关系 渠道绩效 interaction inter-firm relationships channel performance
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