
中国碳交易试点配额分配的机制特征、设计问题与改进对策 被引量:35

The Comparative Features,Problems and Improvement Measures of Allowance Mechanism of China's Carbon Trading Pilots
摘要 通过对中国碳交易试点和欧盟、加州碳交易体系的配额分配机制进行比较,笔者分析中国试点的独特机制特征,剖析各试点存在的问题。研究发现:中国碳交易试点形成了总量刚性与结构弹性结合、历史法与基准法切分结合、免费配发与有偿拍卖结合、事前分配与事后调节结合的独特配额分配机制;但是,由于准备时间短暂,缺乏坚实的能力基础和足够的排放数据,各试点在配额分配机制设计上存在不少问题,比如"新常态"下总量过剩、鞭打快牛、双重计算、基准随意、拍卖过少、规则不透明等。针对上述试点问题我们提出改进对策,为全国碳市场的建立提供试点经验借鉴。 By comparing the allowance mechanism of China's carbon trading pilots with the EU Emissions Trading System and California Cap-and-Trade Program, this paper identifies the unique features of China's pilots and analyzes the issues that affect the efficiency of the carbon trading system. The results show that the allowance mechanism of China's pilot has formed the following four characteristics: rigid cap combined with elastic structure, historical emissions method combined with benchmarking, free distribution combined with the auction, pre allocation combined with post adjustment. However, due to the short preparation time and lack of sufficient emissions data, there are many problems in the pilot design of the allocation mechanism, such as the loose cap, whipping the fast ox, double counting, arbitrarily setting the benchmark and too small proportion of auction. The paper also recommends corresponding improvement measures to strengthen the existing pilots and build valuable experiences for the establishment of national cap-and-trade system in China.
出处 《武汉大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第3期56-64,共9页 Wuhan University Journal:Philosophy & Social Science
关键词 碳交易试点 配额分配 机制特征 设计问题 carbon trading pilot allowance allocation mechanism features design problems
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