目的 :对抗生素类药物利用状况进行分析 ,以考察应用情况、促进用药合理性。方法 :查阅药库2000年药品购入目录 ,采用药物利用状况分析法 ,对抗生素用药频度和药物费用等进行分析。结果 :该院应用的抗生素主要为头孢菌素、喹诺酮类 ;DDDs排序靠前的是诺氟沙星、羟氨苄青霉素和复方新诺明等。结论 :该院用药基本合理 。
Objective: To analyze the use and the cost of antibiotics of this hospital.Methods: Drug-consumed list of pharmacy in 2000 was investigated to analyze frequency and cost of antibiotics based on DDD and pharmacoeconomic methods.Results: The frequently used antibiotics were cephalosporins and quinodones.Norfloxacin, amoxycillin and SMZco listed upfront in DDDs order.Conclusion:The use of drug was basicly rational although the level was comparatively low.
Journal of Tianjin Medical University