Aluninum alloy was used in aerospace equipment, and in automobile, ra il tranist vehicles, shipsand application structure, and the application of other fields is also increasing. Manufacturing TechnicalCenter, CRRC TANGSHAN Co. Ltd. recently in production of C Type Metro aluminum alloy chassis in theprocess because of structural reasons related to RT weld welding for the high quality and high requirementsof the weld, the control of the welding process and the parameters of the welding process w ill bemore rigorous than the general weld. For type C subway chassis structure and the characteristics of weldform, how to guarantee each RT weld after welding of high quality, high efficiency, and small amount of repairwas the key peoblem. Based on this, undeiframe RT weld jo in t quality improvement and operationmethod were summarized, to provide reliable welding evidence for sim ilar welding structure in the future.
Henan Science and Technology