
资源型地区经济增长动力构成及转换研究 被引量:22

Research on the Components and Conversion of Economic Growth Impetus in Resource-based Regions
摘要 经济新常态下,资源型地区再次陷入困境:伴随能源与矿产品价格持续跌落,其经济出现断崖式下滑。如何应对经济新常态以及能源革命的挑战?资源型地区经济增长动力构成决定了经济增长的波动性、粗放性及后续增长乏力。利用供给侧结构性改革契机,适时转换机制,实现经济增长动力转换:从资源部门一枝独秀转向多元产业支撑,从资源、物质资本推动转向人力资本、技术进步驱动,从国有大中型企业为主转向中小民营企业共创,从非生产性部门主导转向生产性部门引领。产业生态改良、制度建设与市场竞争环境创造、政策引导与部门间要素配置效率提升等,是经济增长动力转换的突破口。 Under the economic "New Normal," resource-based regions are caught in trouble again. With the contin- uous depreciation of energy and mineral prices, there is an economic clifflike decline in these regions. How to deal with the challenges of economic "New Normal" and the energy revolution? The components of the economic growth impetus in these regions inevitably make the economy into one that is volatile, extensive and in need of subsequent vitality. Thus, in order to achieve the impetus conversion of economic growth, resource-based regions should take advantage of the sup- ply-side structural reform to duly transform the economic dynamics. They should shift their reliance on resource sector onto other industries; they should get impetus from human capital and technological progress instead of resource and ma- terial capital; they should focus on the development of small and medium-sized private enterprises rather than only on the development of large and medium-sized state owned enterprises; they should give leading power to productive sec- tors instead of non-productive ones. Besides these, there are several possible breakthroughs for the impetus conversion in economic growth, such as industrial ecology improvement, institution building and creation of market competition envi- ronment, policy guidance and efficiency promotion in the intersectoral allocation of resources, etc.
作者 景普秋
出处 《南开学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第3期125-134,共10页 Nankai Journal:Philosophy,Literature and Social Science Edition
基金 国家社会科学基金重点项目(10AJL009) 山西省软科学项目(2013041004-01)
关键词 资源型地区 新常态 供给侧 经济增长 动力转换 Resource-based Regions The "New Normal" Supply-side Economic Growth Impetus Conversion
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