
心理行为干预对乳腺癌患者预期性呕吐影响的研究 被引量:4

Effect of Psychological Behavior Intervention on Anticipatory Nausea and Vomiting of Breast Cancer Patients
摘要 目的观察心理行为干预对需行化学疗法(化疗)的乳腺癌患者化疗中预期性呕吐的影响。方法纳入2012年-2013年185例进行化疗的乳腺癌患者,随机分为心理干预组(试验组)和常规护理组(对照组),试验组95例,对照组90例,两组均采取临床化疗方案,常规护理及支持治疗,试验组同时给予心理行为干预,两组均采用预期性呕吐分级标准及医院焦虑抑郁量表评估患者预期性恶心、呕吐的发生率及程度。结果试验组和对照组患者一般情况具有良好可比性,无统计学差异。在化疗前给予心理行为干预的试验组恶心、呕吐频率及程度均小于对照组(P<0.01);同时降低了患者因化疗产生的焦虑抑郁心理(P<0.05)。结论预防性给予心理行为干预能有效降低乳腺癌患者化疗期间预期性恶心、呕吐,提高患者治疗依从性及生存质量。 Objective To observe the effect of psychological behavior intervention on anticipatory nausea and vomiting (ANV) of breast cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. Methods A total of 185 patients receiving chemotherapy between 2012 and 2013 were randomly divided into psychological behavior intervention group (study group) and conventional nursing group (control group). ANV classification standard and hospital anxiety and depression scale were used to evaluate the degree of ANV in the subjects. Results General information of the two groups had no difference (P 〉 0.05) and showed good comparability. Both the incidence and degree of ANV in the study group were significantly less than those of control group (P 〈 0,01). Moreover, the incidence of anxiety and depression showed significant difference between the two groups (P 〈 0.05). Conclusion Psychological behavior intervention is an effective method to improve the treatment adherences and life quality of ANV patients undergoing chemotherapy.
出处 《华西医学》 CAS 2016年第5期923-926,共4页 West China Medical Journal
关键词 心理行为干预 预期性呕吐 乳腺癌 护理 Psychological behavior intervention Anticipatory nausea and vomiting Breast cancer Nursing
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