
响应面法优化孜然总酚含量测定的工艺条件 被引量:4

Content determination of polyphenol from Curcumin cymlin L. using response surface method
摘要 以新疆孜然为原料,采用超声波辅助浸提法优化孜然总酚提取的工艺条件。采用福林酚法测定总酚含量,在单因素基础上,考察乙醇浓度、料液比、超声时间、超声温度对孜然总酚含量测定的影响,通过方差分析对提取过程显著影响含量测定的因素进行统计分析。结果表明,孜然总酚提取的最佳工艺条件为:乙醇浓度70%、料液比1∶20、超声温度60℃、超声时间60 min。在该条件下,孜然总酚的实测含量为13.8 mg/g,与预测值相差约4.5%,比回流提取法含量测定提高了139%,说明通过响应面优化可较大提高孜然总酚的测定含量。 The polyphenol from Xinjiang Curcumin cymlin L.was abstracted by ultrasonic-assisted extraction, and the extraction yield was measured by Lowry method with Folin phenol.According to single-factor test, the extraction yield was determined by the method of response surface analysis(RSA) with four factors(the ethanol concentration, solid/liquid ratio, ultrasonic time and ultrasonic temperature), And the notability difference was analyzed with the statistic method of ANOVA.Results showed that the optimal conditions were as follows.ethanol concentration 70%, solid/liquid ratio1 : 20, ultrasonic time 60 min, ultrasonic temperature60 ℃ .Under such conditions,the actual amount of polyphenols extracted for 13.8 mg/g, with a difference of 4.5% compared with predictive value,this method of extracting higher than 139% with reflux extraction.Optimization of Using Response Surface Methodology can greatly improve the content determination of polyphenols from Xinjiang Curcumin cymlin L.
出处 《食品工业科技》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第11期195-199,211,共6页 Science and Technology of Food Industry
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(31160073) 新疆维吾尔自治区科技厅支疆项目(N0.201091245)经费支持
关键词 孜然 总酚 单因素 响应面分析法 Curcumin cymlin L. polyphenol single factor response surface analysis
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