【目的】筛选与人骨髓间充质干细胞(h MSC)成骨分化早期相关的长链非编码RNA(lnc RNA),分析其对于h MSC成骨分化早期的影响。【方法】将成骨诱导分化7 d前后的h MSC作为研究对象,利用Agilent lnc RNA芯片技术筛选出成骨诱导分化前后表达量具有2倍差异的lnc RNA,选取其中1条表达量差异较大的lnc RNA利用UCSC Genome Browser分析此lnc RNA邻近蛋白编码基因。【结果】h MSC经过成骨分化诱导7 d后具有明显成骨细胞特征;Agilent lnc RNA芯片技术筛选结果表明,h MSC成骨分化诱导7 d后表达上调的lnc RNA有923条,表达下调的有993条;选择表达上调中表达量差异较大的1条lnc RNA ENST00000585537.1,UCSC Genome Browser生物信息学分析显示其与MAPK蛋白相关。【结论】h MSC成骨分化诱导7 d后lnc RNA表达发生改变,部分表达差异较大的lnc RNA可能通过与相关蛋白编码基因联系影响h MSC的早期成骨分化功能。
[Objective] To screen the related long non-coding RNA (lncRNA) expression profile changes in the early stage osteogenic differentiation of human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (hMSC), to analyze the affection between the changes and the early stage osteogenic differentiation of hMSC. [ Method ] hMSC with before and after 7days of osteogenic differentiation were taken as research subjects, the Agilent lncRNA chip technology was used to screen the lncRNA which has two fold differences in expression before and after the osteogenic differentiation. One of a quite different lncRNA in expression was selected, and UCSC Genome Browser, which is the nearby lncRNA protein-coding gene, was used for the following discussion. [Results ] After 7days of osteogenic differentiation, hMSC had exhibited in having a mild osteoblast-like characteristic; the results of the Agilent RNA microarray screening showed that there were 923 lncRNA upregulated and 993 lncRNA downregulated after 7days of hMSC osteogenic differentiation; UCSC Genome Browser bioinformatics analysis showed that ENST00000585537 is associated with MAPK protein. [ Conclusion ] The expression of IncRNA is altered after 7days of hMSC osteogenic differentiation, part of the lncRNA which have large differential expression through the contact with related protein coding genes affect the early osteogenic differentiation function of hMSC.
Journal of Sun Yat-Sen University:Medical Sciences