目的分析2003~2011年当涂县急性血吸虫病流行病学特征和时空分布特点。方法收集2003~2011年当涂县急性血吸虫病病例资料,在描述性分析的基础上,应用arcgis10.0建立空间数据库,再导入Satscan9.1.1对村级急性血吸虫病发病率进行时空聚类分析。结果 2003~2011年全县共报告急性血吸虫病例72例,其中70例本地感染,急性血吸虫病的发病率呈现逐年下降的趋势,由2003年的12.9/10万下降至2011年0;发病月份主要集中于7~9月份;农民(54.3%)和学生(31.4%)为高发人群,农民主要因捕鱼捞虾和水产养殖而感染,学生以游泳戏水为主:感染环境以湖滩和河滩为主。时空聚集性分析共发现了4个聚集区域,分别为2003~2004年聚集在湖阳镇(LLR=31.4,RR=20.9)和黄池镇(LLR=7.0,RR=10.4)、2003~2005年聚集于姑孰镇(LLR=16.5,RR=17.0)和2003年聚集于博望镇(LLR=12.3,RR=12,2)。结论 2003~2011年,当涂县急性血吸虫病存在村级的聚集性分布,自实施以传染源控制为主的综合防治策略以来,急性血吸虫病疫情得到了有效地控制。
Objective The characteristics of spatial-temporal distribution on acute schistosomiasis were analyzed at village level in Dangtu County from 2003 to 2011.Methods Data on the distribution of acute schistosomiasis from 2003 to 2011 in Dangtu county was collected.The prevalence situation of acute schistosomiasis was analyzed with descriptive epidemiology.Spatial database was established by ArcGIS 10.0.Retrospective spatial-temporal cluster analysis was done by SaTscan 9.1.1 at village level.Results A total of 72 cases of acute schistosomiasis cases were reported from 2003 to 2011,among which 70 cases were infected in Dantu county.The mobidity of acute schistosomiasis decreased from 12.9 per 100 000 population in 2003 to 0 in2011;most cases were reported from July to September and concentrated in lake regions.Most of mem were farmers(54.3%) and students(31.4%).The farmers were mostly infected by catching fish and the students were infected by swimming.Four areas with higher risk were detected by cluster analysis,including one area in Huyang township(LLR=31.4,RR=20.9) and one in Huangchi township(LLR=7.0,RR=10.4)from 2003 to2004,one in Gushu township(LLR=16.5,RR=17.0) from 2003 to 2005,and one in Bowang township(LLR=12.3,RR=12.2) in 2003,respectively.Conclusion The spatial-temporal distribution of acute schistosomiasis was not random but there appeared significant clusters in Dangtu county from 2003 to 2011.Acute schistosomiasis has been controlled effectively after carrying out comprehensive control strategies which emphasis on infectious source control.
Journal of Tropical Diseases and Parasitology
Acute Schistosomiasis
Geographical information system
Space-time analysis