
俄罗斯行政垄断规制问题比较研究 被引量:4

Comparative Study on the Issues of Russia's Administrative Monopoly Regulation
摘要 俄罗斯保护竞争法对行政垄断有专门定义,调整行政垄断主体范围广泛,有行政机关、立法机关等,行为种类有单个行政机关、行政机关之间及行政机关与经营者之间的行为,有作为也有不作为。俄罗斯反垄断署有立法、司法及行政执法权,能调查、审理并处罚行政垄断案件,且为行政垄断设置了民事、行政、刑事法律责任制度,规制行政垄断执法效率高、成本低。我国应重新界定行政垄断及其表现形式,调整行政垄断主体范围,完善行政主体法律责任,建立独立权威的执法机构,以实现《反垄断法》对行政垄断的有效规制。 Russian competition protection act has a specific definition of administrative monopoly,its subjects are widely defined within subjects,including administrative and judicial agencies,etc.Its actions include ones not only from one administrative agency,but also from joint actions among administrative agencies or between them and business dealers,and actions include any act and omission.Russian execution authority is endowed legislative,administrative,judicial rights to deal with cases,whose subjects bear civil,administrative,and criminal responsibilities.Russian execution of anti-monopoly law realizes a high efficiency and low cost.China should redefine administrative monopoly and its performances,enlarge its subjects' scope,modify its legal responsibilities,and set up an independent and authoritative execution authority in order to realize effective regulation against it.
机构地区 湖南大学法学院
出处 《财经理论与实践》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第3期139-144,共6页 The Theory and Practice of Finance and Economics
基金 司法部2012年课题(12SFB5041)
关键词 俄罗斯 行政行为 行政垄断 反垄断法 Russia Administrative behavior Administrative monopoly Anti-monopoly law
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