Examinations of the chronicles or diaries of the people who had experienced or witnessed the related events prove that several dates should be corrected in the book. First, it was on September 21 of 1935, instead of September 18, that Deng Xiaoping arrived at Hadapu during the Long March, and the Shaan - Gan Detachment ' s meeting of officers above regimental commanders was held not on September 20 but on September 22. Second, in the course of the Red Army ' s Western Expedition, it was after May 23 of 1963 instead of on May 19 that year that Deng arrived at Wuqi Town. Third, it was on September 6 not September 5 of 1936 that Deng hosted the Eight Route Army' s rally of pledge in the headquarters before launching into the Anti -Japanese War.
Journal of China Executive Leadership Academy Yan’an
A Chronicle of Deng Xiaoping' s Life ( 1904 - 1974)
Shaan - Gan Detachment
Western Expe- dition
the Eighth Route Army' s rally of pledge to fight against the Japanese Aggression