
从排行到适切:论旗舰大学的范式转型 被引量:5

Profiling the Flagship University Model: An Exploratory Proposal for Changing the Paradigm From Ranking to Relevancy
摘要 "世界一流大学"是一个即便没有得到充分解释也至少耳熟能详的概念。通常认为,世界一流大学应该具备如下特征:卓越的科研产出、优秀的文化、一流的设备以及超越国界的声誉。但是最重要的也许是,这类院校在一个或多个盈利或非盈利机构每年发布的排名榜中名次靠前。对许多政府教育部长和全世界大多数大学来说,跻身排名榜前列就是世界一流大学的根本证据。确实如此吗?我不是要否定当前排名指标的实用性与有益性。问题在于,它们仅仅代表了对什么是卓越大学,什么是一个国家或地区所谓"旗舰大学"的狭隘理解。而且,对"世界一流大学"的追逐并不能很好地指导大学的组织行为和方式,也不能帮助它们更好地服务社会,或在教学、科研和公共服务上更有效率。本文试图倡导的"旗舰大学"是一个更加兼容的理念——它同时适用于公立院校和一些私立院校;它可以取代或补充,甚至改变政府部门和大学在追逐社会地位与影响力时的观念、行为和目标。当然,它也没有忽视将注意力主要集中在科研产出这一卓越的国际标准之上。但是,"旗舰大学"以服务国家和地区为本,且这种模式的特征与责任不会使大学陷入排名困境。事实上,本文的目的是用"旗舰大学"这一概念来弱化排名,将大学的关注点由过去单一地注重研究扩大到重视适切性和责任上来。旗舰大学是研究型大学,或者正朝这个方向发展,但是它们有更广泛的公认目标。对于那些引领本国高等教育系统的大学而言,最大的挑战在于确立使命,并最终在赋予其生命和目标的社会中有意义地扩大其社会功用。本文探究的旗舰大学轮廓要点包括它的主要使命、文化和运行特点,以及建设路径。 It' s a familiar if not fully explained paradigm. A "World Class University" (WCU) is supposed to have highly ranked research output, a culture of excellence, great facilities, and a brand name that transcends national borders. But perhaps most importantly, the particular institution needs to sit in the upper echelons of one or more world rankings generated each year by non-profit and for- profit entities. That is the ultimate proof for many government ministers and for much of the global higher education community. Or is it? It is not that current rankings are not useful and informative. The problem is that they represent a very narrow band of what it means to be a leading, or what might be best called a "Flagship" university within a region, within a nation. Further, WCU advocates do not provide much guidance, or knowledge, on what organizational behaviors and methods can lead to greater productivity in research, teaching, and punic service that can best help universities meet the needs of the societies they must serve. In this essay I attempt to advocate the notion of the Flagship University as a more relevant ideal -- a model for public institutions, and perhaps some private institutions, one that could replace, or perhaps supplement and alter the perceptions, behaviors, and goals of ministries and universities in their drive for status and influence on society. It is a model that does not ignore international standards of excellence focused largely on research productivity, but is grounded in national and regional service, and with a specific set of characteristics and responsibilities that, admittedly, do not lend themselves to ranking regimes. Indeed, one goal here is to articulate a path, using the language of the Flagship University, that de-emphasizes rankings and that helps broaden the focus beyond research to relevancy and responsibility. Flagship Universities are research-intensive institutions, or in the process of becoming so, but have wider recognized goals. The great challenge for the network of universities that are truly leaders in their own national higher education systems is to shape their missions and, ultimately, to meaningfully expand their role in the societies that gave them life and purpose. The Flagship University profile explored here includes an outline of mission, culture, and operational features, and is intended as a possible construct for this cause.
出处 《大学教育科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第3期4-22,共19页 University Education Science
基金 美国加州大学伯克利分校高等教育研究中心与德国卡塞尔大学国际高等教育研究中心合作项目“全球化的研究型大学”的研究成果
关键词 旗舰大学 研究型大学 大学治理 排名 世界一流大学 Flagship University Research-Intensive Universities University Management Rankings World Class Universities
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