
20世纪50年代余江血防与地方文化嬗变 被引量:3

The Schistosomiasis Control of 1950's in Yujiang County and the Evolution of Local Culture
摘要 疾病不仅对人、社会产生影响,也对地区文化产生重大影响。民国时期,余江地区因血吸虫病的长期危害,产生了"余江病态文化"。20世纪50年代余江血防运动推进了文化的嬗变。血防的宣传,破除了疫区原有的迷信文化思想;血防的开展,促进了余江社会风尚的改善;血吸虫病根治后,疫区及群众的精神面貌发生了根本变化。血吸虫病与文化之间呈现出多重关系。此外,在地方文化转型的新旧交替之际,国家通过血防,也促进了国家文化的下移,从而达到国家对疫区基层社会,对疫区群众高度动员的效果。 Disease affects not only man and society,but also the local culture.During the period of the Republic of China,because of the long time schistosomiasis danger in Yujiang county,"the pathological culture"came into being.In 1950's,the schistosomiasis control movement in Yujiang promoted the cultural evolution.The propaganda of schistosomiasis control wiped out the previous superstitious culture and ideology of the infected area.The launch of the schistosomiasis control improved the social climate of Yujiang;after the radical cure of schistosomiasis,there was agreat change in the mental outlook of the masses and the infected area.Thus,there existed multiple relations between schistosomiasis and culture.What's more,during the transitional period of local culture,the state,by means of schistosomiasis control,promoted the move-down of state culture,so as to achieved the effect of high mobilization of the basic-level society,and of the masses in the infected area.
作者 彭庆鸿
出处 《上饶师范学院学报》 2016年第2期101-107,共7页 Journal of Shangrao Normal University
基金 江西省教育厅研究生创新基金资助立项项目(YC2015-S310)
关键词 “病态文化” 余江血防 文化嬗变 "the pathological culture" the schistosomiasis control in Yujing cultural evolution
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