
快速水氡测量方法的研究 被引量:4

The research on a rapid measuring method for radon in water
摘要 目的:解决传统水氡现场测量系统复杂以及水氡的提取、转移、平衡和测量需要较长时间且费时又费力等问题,实现水氡的现场快速测量。方法:研究设计一套现场鼓气装置,配合静电收集法、电离室法等连续测氡仪,以实现水氡的现场快速测量;结合水氡测量装置的结构和工作原理,验证具体的测量程序、测量比对和现场快速测量方法。结果:该快速测量方法与美国RAD7H20测量比对,相对百分偏差为1%~6%,测量结果基本一致。采用该水氡测量装置对我国6省会城市的自来水中氡含量进行了测定,自来水中氡含量均值为6.74 Bq L^(-1),范围为0.96~24.98 Bq L^(-1)。结论:本研究设计的水氡快速测量装置体积小,操作简单,测量准确性高,适合较大规模的饮用水氡调查工作。 Objective:The traditional radon in water measurement system is complex, and the extraction, transfer, balance and measurement of radon in water takes a long time traditionally. A measuring device for radon in water was developed to achieve rapid measurement of radon in water.Methods: The construction, principle, measurement procedures and intercomparison with other measuring instrument were introduced, and the measurements were carried out in field. Results: The intercomparison results between the method in this study and RAD7H20 were in a good agreement, and relative percent difference ranged from 1% to 6%. The tap water samples collected from 6 capital cities were tested by the measuring device in this study and the average radon concentration in water was 6.74 Bq L-1, in range of 0.96-24.98 Bq L-1.Conclusion:The measuring device in this study with a small volume is easy to perform and can obtain high accuracy. It is suitable to larger scale investigation for radon in drinking water.
出处 《中国医学装备》 2016年第5期126-129,共4页 China Medical Equipment
基金 国家自然科学基金(11375164)"室内氡污染控制与治理关键技术研究"
关键词 水氡含量 测量装置 快速测量 Radon in water Measuring device Rapid measurement
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