
Hybrid TV Scripts and Streamings: A Project Strategy for the Design of Connected and Convergent Interfaces to T-Commerce Applications

Hybrid TV Scripts and Streamings: A Project Strategy for the Design of Connected and Convergent Interfaces to T-Commerce Applications
摘要 Interactive digital television is at early stage as regards the interface design, especially in business transactions (t-commerce). Current attempts to transpose the problem related to linearity of narrative and temporal flows and audiovisual content obstruction by the interactive layer, although pointing out design perspectives--in addition to the structural and visual web patterns--are still insufficient as regards the design of interfaces connected and converged for t-commerce applications. This article considers that these problems arise from the structural basis that support television scripts and streamings. In this sense, this article proposes the hybridization between the linear model, inherited from analogue condition, and nonlinear model, intrinsic to digital media, as a methodological strategy aiming to strength the creation of interactive audiovisual content connected and convergent for this context.
机构地区 Sense Design Lab
出处 《Computer Technology and Application》 2016年第3期129-138,共10页 计算机技术与应用(英文版)
关键词 Interface design IDTV t-commerce second screen connectivity convergence. 数字电视 设计项目 商务应用 接口设计 连接 脚本 非线性模型 收敛
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