
创新技术、体制、机制 实现沙漠油田高效开发——以塔中400×10~4t产能建设总包项目为例 被引量:1

Innovate Technology, Structuring and Mechanism; Bring Desert Oilfield under Effective Development——Taking general contract of Tazhong 400×10~4t productivity construction project for instance
摘要 塔中400×10~4t产能建设项目是目前我国油气勘探开发规模最大的EPCC总承包工程项目。为高效完成建设任务,实现创新管理+质量效益型的发展之路,中国石油塔里木油田公司与川庆钻探公司创新合作机制,打造精干高效的管理体系,科学应用塔中碳酸盐岩油气藏高效开发实践中提出的"筋脉"理论,突破地质认识,科学部署钻探井位,运用新技术攻克钻探及地面建设难题。在塔中区块着力实施"横向扩边、纵向扩层"的勘探部署,滚动推进油气勘探开发。通过地质工程一体化、地面地下一体化、甲方乙方一体化,勘探取得重大突破,钻井成功率高达94.8%,新增勘探开发面积536.9km^2,新申报预测储量4105×10~4t,创造了近30亿元的勘探投资效益。项目历经3年,如期建成具有国内地面建设一流水平的400×10~4t油气处理厂,为塔里木油田増储上产和建设"新疆大庆"做出了贡献。。 The Tazhong 400×10^4t productivity construction project is the largest EPCC engineering contract project in China's oil and gas exploration and development at the present time. In the efforts to construct the productive in high efficiency and pursue creative management, high quality and good economic performance for development, PetroChina Tarim Oilfield Company and CNPC Chuanqing Drilling Engineering Co Ltd have created the cooperative mechanism, established the high-efficiency management system and made scientific use of the theory of "channels" proposed in the practice of effective development of carbonate rock oil and gas reservoirs in the Tazhong area. With the breakthroughs made in geological knowledge and positions of exploration wells scientifically deployed, the bottlenecks in drilling and surface construction have been solved by means of new technologies. Exploration is unfolded in the Tazhong block under the principle of "horizontally enlarging boundaries and vertically increasing horizons", making continual progress in oil and gas exploration and development. Based on integration of geological engineering, integration of surface and underground and integration between Party A and Party B, significant breakthroughs have been made in exploration with the drilling success rate reaching as high as 94.8 percent. The newly additional exploration and development areas were 536.9 square kilometers while the newly submitted predicted reserves were 4105×10^4t, generating a turnover of 3 billion yuan for exploration investment. The project experienced over a period of three years. A 400×10^4t oil and gas treatment plant, which is the first- class one in China in terms of surface construction, was built as scheduled. The project has made contributions in the efforts to increase reserves and production in Tarim Oilfield and construct "another Daqing" in Xinjiang.
出处 《石油科技论坛》 2016年第2期12-17,23,共7页 PETROLEUM SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY FORUM
基金 中国石油集团川庆钻探工程有限公司地质勘探开发研究院2016年科研项目"塔中EPCC油气产能建设区块总包‘主导型’项目管理研究"
关键词 产能建设 总承包工程 项目管理 体制机制 勘探开发 工程技术 塔中油田 productivity construction, general contract project, project management, restructuring and mechanism,exploration and development, engineering technology, Tazhong oilfield
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