

Research on the Structure of "Children as Researchers" Curriculum Activity
摘要 随着"儿童作为研究者"课程活动在我国幼儿园教学实践中取得初步成功,分析这一活动的结构特征就显得尤为必要。通过运用质性研究方法对"儿童作为研究者"课程活动进行系统考察发现:"儿童作为研究者"课程活动目标是在一般性目标基础上,采取"生成性目标"和"表现性目标"取向;活动内容以幼儿感兴趣的问题为切入点,在研究过程中不断建构和综合各领域的经验;活动实施坚持"创生"取向,要求教师发挥教育机智,扮演多元角色;活动评价以形成性评价、质性评价、教师自评为主。 As "children as researchers" curriculum activity has achieved initial success in kindergarten teaching practice in our country, the analysis of the structure characters of this activity is particularly necessary. Through a systematic investigation of the "children as researchers" curriculum activity with qualitative research approach, it shows that teachers take the "evolving purposes" and "expressive objectives" perspective, based on the general purposes in the curriculum activities. The paper starts with questions in which children are interested. Children construct and synthesize experience in various fields in the process of research constantly. Teachers take the "enactment perspective", play education wit and play multiple roles in the process of implementation. Formative evaluation, qualitative evaluation and self-evaluation of teachers are the main evaluating ways of the curriculum activity.
作者 李小丹
出处 《湖北广播电视大学学报》 2016年第3期16-19,共4页 Journal of Hubei Radio & Television University
关键词 儿童作为研究者 课程活动 结构 children as researchers curriculum activity structure
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