
愈疗法理学:法学研究的新领域 被引量:3

Therapeutic Jurisprudence:The New Field of Legal Research
摘要 愈疗法理学是上世纪80年代在美国兴起的一门小法理学,是法学与精神科学、心理学等学科进行跨学科研究的新领域,目前国内鲜有这方面的研究。愈疗法理学研究注重运用多学科的方法来研究法律规则、法律程序和法律工作者(主要是法官和律师),是如何影响牵涉于法律中的个人的情感、行为和精神健康。愈疗法理学的研究既推进了法学知识的更新,也为研究法律问题提供了新的视角与方法。当然,愈疗法理学也存在着诸如"定义困境"、"平衡困境"等问题,而这恰恰也说明了该领域是学术研究的富矿,有待于我们进一步关注并进行广泛深入地研究。 The therapeutic jurisprudence was a little jurisprudence which emerged in the United States from the 1980s. It is a new field of interdisciplinary research between the discipline of law and psychiatry, psychology and so on. Currently, the research related is far more enough in China. This paper attempts to summarize and conclude the theory and practice of it in the United States. The research of therapeutic jurisprudence not only advances the renewal of legal knowledge, but also offers a new perspective and method for the study of legal issues. Of course, the therapeutic jurisprudence also has problems such as the definitional dilemma, balance dilemma. It aims to draw scholars' great attention to therapeutic jurisprudence and appeal the science of law to have further study on this issue.
作者 陈涛
出处 《华东理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2016年第2期83-90,共8页 Journal of East China University of Science and Technology:Social Science Edition
基金 国家社科基金项目"司法权威生成的文化机制研究"(项目编号为12AFX002)的阶段性研究成果
关键词 愈疗 法理学 愈疗法理学 therapy jurisprudence therapeutic jurisprudence
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