

Walter Pater's Art for Art's Sake and Its Moral Significance
摘要 沃尔特·佩特为艺术而艺术的唯美主义理论具有深刻的道德意义。佩特的唯美主义观点承继了康德的美学思想,他指出审美活动的最基本特点是它的无关利益性。佩特鼓励为艺术而艺术,正是基于审美活动的无关利益性。艺术是为欣赏而欣赏,欣赏的过程即是目的,目的和手段得到了统一。佩特倡导用审美的态度对待生活,是对现实生活中盛行的功利主义和目的论的质疑和平衡,表现了佩特唯美主义理论中所蕴含的道德关怀。 This paper deals with Walter Pater's aesthetic concept of art for art's sake and it moral significance from the perspective of Kant's aesthetic influence. Kant's analysis of beauty points out that the essential character of beauty is disinterestedness, and beauty yields the spectator disinterested and free satisfaction. Inheriting Kant's idea of disinterestedness, Pater proposes for art for art's sake. He celebrates the principle of beholding for the mere joy of beholding, for the process of which makes life a thing in which means and ends are identified. In this sense he elevates art as the principle of all higher morality. Pater's art for art's sake challenges the prevalent teleological orientation in reality, demonstrating the moral concern of his aesthetic theory.
作者 陈丽
出处 《华东理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2016年第2期115-121,132,共8页 Journal of East China University of Science and Technology:Social Science Edition
基金 国家社科基金项目"英国唯美主义思想中的道德精神"(13BWW006) 华东理工大学培育基金"沃尔特.佩特唯美主义思想研究"(WS1422001)
关键词 沃尔特·佩特康德 为艺术而艺术 道德 Walter Pater Immanuel Kant art for art's sake morality
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  • 1Paul Guyer, "Art and Morality: Aesthetics al 1870", The Cambridge History of Philosophy ( 1870-1945 ), ed. Thomas Baldwin, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003, PP. 61-62.
  • 2Hilary Fraser, Beauty and Belief:Aesthetics and Religion in Victorian Literature, Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1986, P.198.
  • 3David Delaura, Hebrew and Hellene in Victorian England: Newman, Arnold, and Pater, Austin: University of Texas Press, 1969, P. 179.
  • 4席勒.《审美教育书简》,张玉能译,译林出版社,2012年版,第3页.
  • 5Walter Pater, Studies in the History of the Renaissance, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010, P. 120-121.
  • 6Paul Guyer, "Art and Morality: Aesthetics at 1870", The Cambridge History of Philosophy ( 1870-1945 ), ed. Thomas Baldwin, Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2003, P. 347.
  • 7Waiter Pater, Appreciations: with an Essay on Style, London: Macmillan and Co., Limited, 1924, PP. 58-59.
  • 8Kate Hext, "Schilleresque Self-Culture in Pater's Aesthetics", Victorian Aesthetic Conditions, ed. Elicia Clements and Lesley J. Higgins, Palgrave Macmillan, 2010, P.218.
  • 9Walter Pater, Studies in the History of the Renaissance, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010, P. 9.
  • 10Immanuel Kant, "A Theory of Esthetic Experience', A Modern Book of Esthetics, fifth edition, ed. Melvin Reader, New York : Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1979, P.340.








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