

Mechanism of immune privilege and immune responses in bacterial endophthalmitis
摘要 细菌性眼内炎是能导致视力严重受损的眼科重症,即使采取了及时和积极的药物及手术干预,仍会造成眼部组织不可逆的损伤。对细菌性眼内炎的研究热点是研究眼部组织对感染的免疫反应及病原微生物和宿主组织间分子和细胞的相互作用。目前国内外对细菌性眼内炎免疫应答机制的研究包括免疫赦免、固有免疫反应、补体系统、Fas配体、炎性细胞浸润、细胞因子及细胞间黏附因子的作用等方面。 Bacterial endophthalmitis is an emergency in ophthalmology, which can cause serious vision loss. Though taken prompt and aggressive therapeutic and surgical intervention, devastating imparity in vision acuity may happen. Researehes on bacterial endophthalmitis focus on analyzing the mechanisms of the inflammatory responses to infection and the molecular and cellular interactions between the pathogen and host. The latest advanecs in enueleating the mechanisms of baeterial endophthalmitis inelude immune privilege, innate immunity, complement system, fas ligand, cellular infiltration, eytokines and adhesion molecules.
作者 段毅琴 林丁
出处 《国际眼科纵览》 2016年第2期132-135,共4页 International Review of Ophthalmology
关键词 眼内炎/细菌性 免疫应答 病原微生物 宿主 endophthalmitis/bacterial immune responses pathogen host
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