建立了电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱(ICP-AES)法测定镀锡钢板中的镀锡量的方法。为避免复杂基体、溶样时间对测试结果产生干扰,采用标准加入法进行定量分析。通过实验,确定了溶样用盐酸的浓度、ICP仪器参数以及待测元素的分析线。考察了标准曲线的相关性、精密度和准确度等分析指标。结果表明,标准曲线成线性关系(R=0.998 8),检测结果的相对标准偏差仅为1.3%,与现有的国家标准分析方法——碘酸钾滴定法和X射线荧光光谱法进行对比实验,测量结果基本一致。
A method for the determination of tin in tinplate was established. Standard addition method was used to avoid the interference of complex matrix and the dissolving sample time on the analytical results. Experimental conditions such as the concentration of hydrochloric acid, ICP instrument parameters and the analysis lines of the elements were discussed and optimized. The correlation of the standard curve, the precision and accuracy of the method were also investigated. The results showed that the proposed method had a good linear relationship (R =0. 998 8), and the relative standard deviation (RSD) was less than 1.3%. The analytical results obtained by this method were in good agreement with those obtained by potassium iodate titration method and X-ray fluorescence spectrometry.
Chinese Journal of Inorganic Analytical Chemistry