
重复与修正:艾丽斯·沃克对拉尔夫·艾里森和托尼·莫里森的继承和超越 被引量:3

Repetition and Revision :Alice Walker's Inheritance and Transcendence of Ralph Ellison and Toni Morrison
摘要 本文利用黑人文学批评中"重复与修正"的概念,研究美国黑人文学中的乱伦母题,在性别、种族和阶级三个层面,以艾里森的《看不见的人》和莫里森的《最蓝的眼睛》为参照,分析沃克在《紫颜色》中对艾里森和莫里森的修正,探讨沃克的文本对先存文本修正过程中的得失。本文认为,沃克通过重复乱伦母题,对艾里森和莫里森的性别、种族和阶级观点形成了修正和颠覆,同时也有继承和发展,是跨越性别界限的美国黑人文学传统中的一个重要文本。 With the concept of "repetition and revision" in contemporary African American literary studies, this paper tries to connect Alice Walker's The Color Purple with Toni Morrison's The Bluest Eye and Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man through their shared incest motif, in an attempt to show Walker's inheritance and transcendence of Ellison and Morrison in her critique of gender, race and class issues. It is argued that Walker revises Ellison's and Morrison's views through her repetition of the incest motif and that her revision involves critique and subversion as well as inheritance and development. The Color Purple is therefore an important link in a transgender African American literary tradition.
作者 赵文书
出处 《当代外国文学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第2期5-14,共10页 Contemporary Foreign Literature
基金 国家社科项目<当代美国少数族裔文学的文化属性研究>(项目批号:11BWW053)成果之一
关键词 重复与修正 乱伦 沃克 艾里森 莫里森 repetition and revision incest Alice Walker Ralph Allison Toni Morrison
  • 相关文献


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  • 2Baker, Houston A., Jr. "To Move without Moving: An Analysis of Creativity and Commerce in Ralph Ellison's Trueblood Episode." PMLA 98.5 ( 1983 ) : 828-45.
  • 3Bobo, Jacqueline. "Sifting Through the Controversy: Reading The Color Purple." Callaloo 39 ( 1989 ) : 332-42.
  • 4Byrd, Rudo|ph P. "Introduction." The World Has Changed: Conversations with Alice Walker. Ed. Rudolph P. Byrd. New York: The New Press, 2010. 1-34.
  • 5Crewdson, Arlene, and Rita Thomson. "Interview with Ralph Ellison." ( 1974 ). Conversations with Ralph Ellison. Ed. Maryemrna Graham and Amritjit Singh. Jackson: The UP of Mississippi, 1995. 259-71.
  • 6Cutter, Martha J. "Philomela Speaks: Alice Walker's Revisioning of Rape Archetypes in The Color Purple." MELUS25.3/4( 2000 ): 161-80.
  • 7Duvall, John N. The Identifying Fictions of Toni Morrison." Modernist Authenticity and Postmodern Blackness. New York: Palgrave, 2000.
  • 8拉尔夫·艾里森.《看不见的人》,任绍曾等译,南京.译林出版社,2008年.
  • 9Faulkner, William. "The Bear." 1942. Go Down, Moses. New York: Vintage, 1990. 181-316.
  • 10Gates, Henry Louis, Jr. "The 'Blackness of Blackness': A Critique of the Sign and the Signifying Monkey." Critical Inquiry 9.4 ( 1983 ): 685-723.











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