
朋克文化身份的“三重变奏” 被引量:5

Triple Variations of Punk Culture Identity
摘要 四十多年来,朋克文化从"地下"走上"地面",在"边缘"对抗"中心",其发展经历了"三重变奏"。作为西方60年代反文化运动的延续和发展,朋克文化带有反叛和颠覆的先天基因,具有反文化倾向。随着英国文化研究的兴起和发展,工人阶级文化和消费文化结合后兴起了亚文化研究热,有独特风格的朋克亚文化身份得到了学界的认可。由于朋克族所坚持的边缘和地下的文化身份无法逃脱被商业方式和意识形态收编和同化的命运,朋克文化一度成为流行文化的一部分。朋克文化身份的嬗变既折射出当代青年文化一定的发展规律,也体现出反文化、亚文化和流行文化之间矛盾交织、密不可分的关系。 After 40years' development,punk culture moves from the underground to the over ground and from the margin to the center.Its identity undergoes triple variations.As a later phrase of the1960's Western counter-culture movement,punk was born with rebellion spirit.With the development of Britain Cultural Studies,the combination of working class culture and consumerist culture,a sub-culture study trend erupted.During which the special styled sub-culture identity of punk culture was acknowledged by the academics.Since the punk could not resist the corporation and assimilation of the market and ideological power,punk culture becomes a part of pop-culture.This evolution history of punk culture identity not only reflects some rule of contemporary youth culture,but also indicates the close relationship of counter-culture,sub-culture and pop-culture in a way.
作者 吴群涛
机构地区 武汉大学文学院
出处 《武汉理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2016年第3期348-353,共6页 Journal of Wuhan University of Technology:Social Sciences Edition
基金 教育部人文社科青年项目(13YJC751017)
关键词 朋克文化 反文化 亚文化 流行文化 嬗变 punk culture counter-culture sub-culture pop-culture evolution
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